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All Electronic These days

For well over 20 years now, the emmissions requirements on petrol vehicles (and more recently Diesel) have meant that electronic control of the fuel system is vital to the clean operation of the engine. Carburettors and "Jerk" pumps have long been consigned to the history books, along with distributer points. Modern vehicles are entirely dependent on the electronic systems that sustain their existence. There are many things that can go wrong, but invariably, when they do, go wrong, they trigger the dreaded "Check Engine" light.

A good battery is essential

Far more so now, than ever before, a good battery is vital. In order to hit tighter fuel emmisions and economy figures, manufacturers have turned away from engine driven pumps for power assisted steering, in favor of either electrically pumped PAS fluid, or direct electric assist PAS motors. These are high power motors, and because of their current drain on a system, the engine management systems typically shut down the PAS as one of the first battery saving tactics.

Other High Power devices

Other than power steering, the next biggest loading are the glow plugs on diesel engines and then ABS and engine management. With even modest cars having in excess of 10 seperate on-board computer controlled systems, the requirements of the electrical system to be in good shape are far greater now than they ever were.


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Operating system